Non-Pottery Studio Membership

  • Hobbyist Maker

    $75 / month

    • 1 in-studio day per week
  • Part-Time Maker

    $150 / month

    • 3 in-studio days per week
  • Full-Time Maker

    $300 / month

    • Unlimited in-studio days
  • All Members

    • Personal storage space for both tools and in-progress pieces to minimize the headaches and heartbreaks associated with community studios
    • Monthly members-only make-and-mingle nights where we encourage experimenting with new techniques and learning from each other

Ample Workspaces

We offer four varieties of worktables totaling over 80 square feet of horizontal workspace to accommodate both standing and seated work, as well as multiple artists working at the same time.


Learn, grow, and share with a warm community of misfit makers. We welcome those that often feel "othered."

Whether you want to actively make or do some remote work, our space offers free wifi, a lounge area with armchairs and charging stations, and a stocked kitchenette.

Markets and More

Our studio hosts a small-scale photo booth, tripods, a translucent bounce screen, and a multitude of props for product photography.

Additionally, we encourage our members to release their wares into the world through markets and online sales. Ask about our market-share opportunities and online shop consignment.

Historic Industrial Location

Located in a repurposed bottle cap factory (circa 1906) in the bustling urban environment of the Highlandtown Arts District in southeast Baltimore city, our studio is made up of close to 800 square feet of open-concept space, featuring stunning natural light and open brick throughout the building.


Schedule a tour or reserve your spot in our studio